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I am trying to call one process from another (in an IPC).  When trying to select the process, the "Browse" button only gives me processes in my current solution.

I want to be able to call another process deployed on our server (this does not live in this solution).  It is a global process that I will ultimately want many different workflows to call into over time.


How do I specify the process that is already deployed on the server (throught the context browser, etc.)?


I do not want to add/import this process in from its current solution, that defeats the purpose of what I am trying to accomplish.


Thank you!

There is a slight trick to it, but very minor and easy enough to implement. K2 design clients have the concept of design time and runtime settings. For you to configure an IPC event in process, the design tool forces you to point to a local process. It does this because it needs to interrogate the process to discover what process datafields it has so that you can configure what is passed in or out. 


For design time, make a copy of your workflow and put it in the project so you can configure the IPC, but you can then configure the workflow with the real name of the workflow you want to run. You are only putting a copy of the workflow in your project to satisfy the need for design time values. Once it is configured, you could just delete the example workflow if you wanted as it won't be needed and you will want to ensure you don't deploy it again.


Hope that makes since. Feel free to ping me if you need me to clarify.
