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Security error connecting to SmartObjects Server from Visual Studio using Data provider for K2 SO


When facing a security error when trying to connect to K2 SmartObjects Server from Visual Studio using DataProvider for K2 SmartObjects.

The following workaround applied to the environment.

1. Open the registry and click on Edit -> Find
2. Then type in the following: "{E2EA1316-8D20-42bc-8C14-AA5C53084080}" and select ONLY the following check boxes:
• Key
• Match whole string only

3. You should have 4 hits, but only change the key that has a Codebase entry. Change from:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDEExtensionsK2SourceCode.VisualStudio.dll

…. to:

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDEExtensionsK2SourceCode.SmartObjects.VisualStudio.dll

Once you are able to edit the connection string, you further then try to connect to the SmartObjects server using a domainusername, password and a label from a developers machines.This connection fails.

This works when trying to do this via the K2 server within Visual studio.



You are able to ignore this message as you are still able to connect and see all the smartobjects. The security issue should be blocking you from the environment.

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