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Is it possible to put security on a ListView so that only a particular user can access it rather than on a form itself (for confidential reasons for example)



It's possible on view/form intialize to put in some logic to say if Dept or User equals something then allow for form to load, otherwise don't show the list view.


There is no current way to set permissions to load a list or item view based on active directory out of setting rule based validation.





I've put the list view inside a form.


Could anyone point me to which rule to use to check if the userid of the person accessing the form is Me, if not, then forward them to a holding page saying Access is Denied.


I can do the rule which sends them to an different page, but not sure how to do the UserID check.


The user would be an AD who is currently trying to access the form.


I'm sure there was a guide on how to do this, but cant find it...


Thanks as always

I haven't found a guide but in the below post I listed the steps I used which I believe should work in your example.


Thanks Tim, i'll have a look at that.


A t the moment its just a single user so i've just tried it using an advanced condition rule to check if the system variable current user = traget user.

However if i get AD groups which need access to the form, then your solution will come in handy.


Many thanks!
