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Hi All,


We are trying to secure the K2 Designer in version 4.6.9. We have tried the instructions located here but can't get it working.


Some searching has revealed there's a known issue with this. One of the workarounds is to specify individuals rather than groups. We have tried this as well with no luck.


These are the steps we worked through:


1) Locate the K2 SmareForms Designer site in iis manager

2) cick on Authorisation Runes

3) Edit the default Allow rule to restrict to an AD group (or a name)

4) Add a new Allow rule for the K2 Designer Application Pool account.


Is there anything else we need to do?





Can you tell us exactly what is not working when you try to use IIS to restrict access? Are you getting an error? Or is it just not restricting access to the designer at all, even when you successfully complete the steps? It also depends on exactly who you are restricting access to. One thing you might want to check is the membership of the groups that you are trying to use for the authorization.


