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I need to be able to search all available work items for items assigned to a particular user or group.  I can't find a way to do this in either the Workflow.Client or Workflow.Management namespaces.  The functionality exists in the Management Console in the K2 Workspace, so I assume it's buried somewhere in the API.


Could anyone point me in the right direction?




you can use the GetWorklistItems of the Workflow.Management API.

You will find a sample on the documentation (you can search the sample using the following text: "Global Worklist").


I saw mention of the Global Worklist in the Developer Reference, however, the only thing that section says is:


"The Worklist sample
code is written for use with Web based forms. Sample code for Windows based
forms will be available in a future release of the Developer's Reference"


I also looked at the GetWorklistItems method but cannot figure out how to filter on Destination

Got it:


            var wfMgr = new WorkflowManagementServer();


            var criteria = new SourceCode.Workflow.Management.Criteria.WorklistCriteriaFilter();

            criteria.AddRegularFilter(WorklistFields.Destination,SourceCode.Workflow.Management.Criteria.Comparison.Like, "%user_name%");


            var processes = wfMgr.GetWorklistItems(criteria);
