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Hi All,



I am very new in K2-blackpearl. I would like to design a view such a way, that at run time it should able to accept a criteria for muliple value to return a result set.



as an example, say there is table called 'Sales', which is having attribute like


 Month     Year     Volume

-----------   --------    -----------

Jan           2016    7584

Feb          2016    8682

Mar          2016    8787

......            .......     ........



Now based on this table, want a view where i can provide a filter on Month, like Jan or Feb or both the months.



i am able to filter records on indivitual month like Jan or Feb. but unable to find records on multiple months like want to view result set for Jan and Feb both at a time.



Thanks in advance


Hi JD1


You will need to think about your UI to determine how users will select multiple critieria. That aside, there are 2 options:


1. Create a strored procedure on your database that can accept the multiple criteria and return the filtered values. Then expose this procedure as a smartobject method


2. Use the advanced filter in your list method. You can configure a filter like: Month=Feb and Month=Mar

Hi Andrew,


Thanks for your reply.


