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Hi, I would like to know how we can do this?


On form there is a text box where the user enters an email address. Email addresses are separated by ';'. When  the user  click the Save button, I have to divide the list and save email addresses in the  SharePoint list. Each email adress should be a separate row in the list.

Hi Marta,
If you are using an Item View in the SmartForm, you can only create one record at a time, this is also true (to my knowledge) for an Editable List Item View. 
From how you described it, it seems like you have an Item View though and there's a SmO property that is "Email Address" and maybe a Submit or some kind of button control that uses the SmO Create method, correct or no? If this is correct however, you will have to submit the email addresses individually to have them show as separate rows in the SharePoint list.
Here's a little document on "Using SmartObjects in SharePoint" with the abilities of SmOs for SharePoint Lists vs. SharePoint Document Libraries too just in case:
Good luck!

Not exactly. My Form isn’t connected to any SmO. This Form isn’t an  Item View of any SmO.

"Email address" is only a textbox control in the SmartForm.

But when the user click the Save button I have to save the Email addresses  to the SmO. I have a problem because from the control I might only get a string (..@..; ..@..; …@...) and I need to save each email address as a separate list item.

Hi Marta,


Ok so are you using SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2010? 


I am told that this is possible for SharePoint 2013 if you used a custom list but that if its 2010, it may be more difficult and you may have to set up some sort of service broker -- so if that's the case, I am not familiar with exactly how to do that.


However, may I ask how you initially set this up to try to get it to work?


I asked an engineer about this and they said that you'd have to use an expression and then pass each email separated by the semicolon into a data label and then do the SmO call to the SharePoint list. Essentially it should pick up the first email in the data label and write it to the SmO on the SharePoint list and then go through the rest of the emails in the string. 


I'll see if I can find any additional information on this in terms of documentation or the like. Good luck!
