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I am currently using Editable list view. Can I save the data within this list view to a seperate list? I believe this can be done via Rules on Submitting the record. Anyone has done this or can provide a hint

Greetings  @RanaSnehal,


Assuming you have SmartObjects for the secondary list, in the submit rules you can execute their Create/Update methods via the 'Execute a SmartObject method' action.




Will give it a spin. I am getting closer to the solution. I just added an entirely new view using the Editable ListView from the secondary list. 


Your approach does look closer than mine. Eitherways I will post my update here soon

Oh, are they both on the same form?  Some additional questions:


- Are you trying to save newly added entries from List A into List B?

- Are they both editable?

- Does List B contain data that was not entered via List A?


There are several ways to accomplish data transferrance between the two, but may be some caveats depending on your requirements.  Also, note that if you are updating List B's SmartObject fields via rules, you may have to call its Refresh method so the UI receives the new values.  If you've added fields to List B manually they will need to be saved before refreshing if you want to hold the changes.




Oh, are they both on the same form?  Some additional questions:- Yes


- Are you trying to save newly added entries from List A into List B? I am trying to save added entries to this view on main form to Secondary list

- Are they both editable? Yes

- Does List B contain data that was not entered via List A? No


There are several ways to accomplish data transferrance between the two, but may be some caveats depending on your requirements.  Also, note that if you are updating List B's SmartObject fields via rules, you may have to call its Refresh method so the UI receives the new values.  If you've added fields to List B manually they will need to be saved before refreshing if you want to hold the changes.


Quick update:


I am able to save the entries from main form to this secondary list. I am also passing ID from the main form (main list) to this secondary list. So this part works now.

I am stuck at a part where if I want to edit this record, how do I display this secondary list view on the main form with the same entries.


Let me know if you wish to take this offline


Appreciate your respnse

Let me rephrase the question:


I have following lists:


  1. Projects (Main Form)
  2. Project Deliverables

I have created main form on Projects. On this main form I have a editable list view to Project Deliverables. I can add multiple Project deliverables to this editable listview. This part works. I am even able to save the Project Deliverables to seperate list


1 project can have many Project deliverables. So Single Project Code can have multiple Project Deliverables.


The Issue is Editting existing record. When I Edit the existing main project item, it does not retrieve project deliverables based upon the ID I am retreiving. I need to read back the records from Deliverables but won't load in Edit view





Are the Project Deliverables a static set of items that a user can choose from, or are they unique entries?  I.e. are they choosing from a list of things to associate with a Project, or does each project have completely separate Deliverables?


If they are unque entries I would use an additional identifier to link the multiple child Project Deliverables to the parent Project. Include a 'ProjectID' field or something similar on the Project Deliverables list, then on Project form submission, first run the Create method on Projects, then pass the ID in the return properties into the create method of the Project Deliverables ProjectID field.  For editing the form, have a condition that checks if the Project form ID has been specified, then pass that into the ProjectID input of the Get List method, returning all the Project Deliverables associated.


Alternatively, if they are a static set of items, I would create a Composite SmartObject to save the relationships, i.e:

Project A = Deliverables {1,3,4}

Project B = Deliverables {2,3,5}


Hope this helps,


"Are the Project Deliverables a static set of items that a user can choose from, or are they unique entries?  I.e. are they choosing from a list of things to associate with a Project, or does each project have completely separate Deliverables?"
Project Deliverables are unique entries. 


"If they are unque entries I would use an additional identifier to link the multiple child Project Deliverables to the parent Project. Include a 'ProjectID' field or something similar on the Project Deliverables list, then on Project form submission, first run the Create method on Projects, then pass the ID in the return properties into the create method of the Project Deliverables ProjectID field.  For editing the form, have a condition that checks if the Project form ID has been specified, then pass that into the ProjectID input of the Get List method, returning all the Project Deliverables associated."


I have setup a rule which passes ID of the main Projects to a column called ProjectDeliverablesID. I am passing this ID while Edit form load. 


Not sure what I am missing. I will create a document with screenshots and post it here to look at. Hopefully that will clear things up


Appreciate a lot for taking time to respond.


Projects: (Main List)

  1. ID
  2. ProjectCode {Required and Unique}
  3. Project Name
  4. Project Start Date
  5. Project End Date

Project Deliverables: (Secondary List)

  1. ID
  2. ProjectDeliverablesID {Holds ID from Projects List above}
  3. ProjectCode (Not Required and Non Unique)
  4. Functions
  5. Services
  6. Deliverables


  1. New Project Form

This form is main form which collects information for Project. This submits to Projects list
This has Editable list view which writes to Project Deliverables list.
This works as intended.

  1. Edit Project Form
    This form is Edit form to edit existing Project information
    This also has Editable list view which shows existing Project deliverables submitted in New Project Form
    This is not working. The Editable listview comes blank without any records. 

The editable list will need to be able to edit and updates should be saved back to Project Deliverables list

  1. Display Project Form
    This form displays the existing project information. 

I am very happy to report that I have resolved this completely. If  someone needs full soluton, I can help with that. Please contact me offline and I can guide you
