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SalesForce Instance Generator not working - - The parameter is incorrect


Supplied Debug for the error to give more explaining why it was falling
After the debug was applied it was discovered that in the Registry there was a extra entry bin that was not needed



- Remove the - bin from the Registry entry (C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0A)
- After this the customer was able to register the service instance and to use the SmartObject in the form.

Noted : The BrokerManagement.exe for Salesforce takes a very long time to generated the dll and it seems that the BrokerMangement is failing as it goes in to Not Responding state but it need to be left till it completes.


Salesforce Instance Refresh/Migration is where we upgrade the infrastructure supporting your instance in our data centers. Following this maintenance, your instance will move to a new data center, and the name of your instance will change.

Steps to access remote site settings needed (as follows)

In the Sales ( Salesforce Online Training )or Service Cloud Setup menu, click Security Controls under Administer.
Click Remote Site Settings.
Edit the Remote Site "MetadataAPI" with the following information:
Remote Site Name: MetadataAPI
Remote Site URL: https://{domain}
Description: Remote site setting to make callouts
Save the remote site.
If you are using a custom domain and this is already reflected in your Remote Site Settings, then no action is required.

