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Here's another one... Go into the code designer window of Studio 2003 and select a line of code using the Shift key and the Down Arrow. While still holding the shift key down push the Right-Arrow key and the following occurs.

Runtime Error!

Program C:<your program path here>

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Which version of the K2 Studio are you using? I'm currently using Service Pack 1 (3.4138.1.0) and haven't seen the behaviour described.

Try downloading the Service Pack 1 files from the K2 Portal ( and updating your installation.

Hope this helps.
Lates version 4138
Not sure what's happening, especially as you're using the same version.

It's probably worth giving the support folks at K2 a call and see what they say. I've not seen this behaviour with any of our installations.
Hi Guys

I tested the code editor and was unable to recreate the issue.
