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Hi guys,


I am trying to open a solution that was created in K2.Net 2003 on K2 Blackpearl.

If this is not possible, how can I access the solution because I do not have K2.Net 2003 installed anywhere, so I can't really view the workflows on that solution and I need to upgrade them to Blackpearl.


Thank you.

Do you get an error when you try to open it?  Do you recall what version of 2003 this was created with?

You wont be able to open the KSN, KPR and KPJ files in blackpearl. Even if you try to rename the extension, it wont work. I have 2003 Studio. If you wish to, send me the project and I will take some screenshots of the workflow for you.

Thanks for the replies guys.

Is it possible to install the blackpearl environment on the same server that is still running K2.Net 2003 and actually have them run parallel, without causing any interruptions with the current wokflows of the K2.Net Environment. What I am trying to do is import my ksn files from the K2.Net 2003 environment to Blackpearl. Is this possible, and if so, how does one import the process.


Thanks again guys.

YES, it is possible to install blackpearl on the same server with 2003. You need to make sure that blackpearl doesnt use the same ports as Change the default ports during blackpearl installation.

You can install Interop assemblies and execute workflows within blackpearl. I recommend engaging with K2 consultancy services to migrate the existing workflows to blackpearl.

I was wondering if your best option is to just install K2 Studio 2003 on your blackpearl development machine.  Then you could open up the 2003 K2 process in studio while you're rebuilding in K2 blackpearl studio and do the comparison and such.

Just installing K2 2003 Studio wasn't enought as I did need to modify the K2 2003 Studio config file to have it run on the correct framework as it will not work running against .Net 4.0  as documented in this post: 

Note in my case I modified it to work against v2.0.50727 as I didn't have v1.1.4322 installed as per this post.

Depending on the version of blackpearl you're running you might run into the following issue after install K2 Studio 2003 with VS 2010.  Look at JohanL's post to resolve the issue which worked for me:


Do you have the ability to install 2003 Studio on the same development machine at all.  It is my understanding that if you have 2003 installed on the same client machine as K2 blackpearl designer for Visual Studio you should be able to open a 2003 process in blackpearl.  Is that what you are looking for?

Hi Guys,

I was able to install K2.Net 2003 on the same machine as the K2 Blackpearl. I was able to open up my Kpr, and do a manual convertion, meaning redoing the process in Blackpearl. Now, the process in 2003 referenced a Kcm. Can anyone please tell me what the equivalent of a kcm is in blackpearl, and how do I go about implementing it. I had added a class library to my project, and added a class to behave as the kcm, just so that I could convert the code.


Thank you.

*.KCM is otherwise known as custom code module.

In blackpearl, drag a server event, right click and view code. Add your code there.

Hi guys,


Is it possible to add a reference to a kprx?

Yes, it is possible in Visual Studio. Click on "process references" on top right of the canvas


Thanks again for the much needed assistance.

Now I have a major problem. I am upgrading a process from 2003 to blackpearl, and in 2003 I used a kcm. For the kcm's substitue in blackpearl I was advised to drag a Server Event on to the Canvas and add my code there, which I have done. In the kcm in 2003, I had a ServerEventContext method (Public Function CheckIfStockAvaliable(ByVal K2 As ServerEventContext) As Boolean).

I would reference that method from my other event in the actual kpr


under Sub Main(ByVal K2 As ServerEventContext)

, and that worked fine.


In Blackpearl, it is not that easy. I have got





void Main(Project_79f10eadebdc4f45ad863ebfc87efd30.EventItemContext_4f23cb94bd4a4714b2912ad6f5f05f2d

K2) in my Server Event, and when I try to call a method from there,

oStockRoutines.CheckIfStockAvaliable(K2);, it errors that the arguments are invalid.

Please help...
