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I've got a "Run If" action that's testing the value of a string variable, that is not running when the variable meets the condition. After pulling my hair out for a while, I created a second identical Run If action, and it runs. The two Run If actions seem to be identical, but one runs and the other doesn't. I must be looking at something wrong, but I just can't find it.

Flowchart view showing two identical Run If actions

Here's the configuration view of each:

Configuration view of Run If action that works

Configuration view of Run If action that doesn't work

I've moved all my conditional actions to the Run If that works (so no longer a crisis) but would like to understand what I'm doing wrong here to prevent future occurrences.


Hey there - 

This may just be a little glitch. What version of Nintex are you running? (Year & actual version)

I'm told we have

Nintex Enterprise 2013 build

Does that work?

make sure you do not have a leading or trailing spaces in compared strings

make sure you do not have different type of space characters within the compared strings -  

That was it...non-breaking space. I'll bet I copied and pasted that from a SharePoint page at one point. Thanks so much for your insight.
