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In Nintex form, we can use Rules to disable or hide the component or use Appearance to visible or enabled the component. Since both method are providing the same feature, I would like to know what's the best practice using them?



As I found that we can apply the same rule to different control, is it better to control the all component by using rules instead of appearance?


If you look to the HTML of the page:

"Visible" will remove the control from the page.

"Hide" will keep it with CSS "display:none".


other differences is that

- appearance setting formula can use just inline functions and can only refer to a value of a control it is configured for

- appearance setting formula is only evaluated at form load, not during form runtime

rules are much more flexible.

you can use all the controls on the form to build their formulas, you can use runtime functions, you can even call JS functions from it,

rules are reevaluated on the fly immediately once any of value their formula depends on changes, etc.
