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I am developing some view from newly added SmartObjects and database tables. When I try to run the SmartForm, I get the error message below. The Smartobject was created off of a SQL table that had some changes made to it.

The SmartObject SMAROBJECT NAME] or one of its components could not be resolved.
Error Details: Root element is missing.

•Type: System.Xml.XmlException

•Source: SourceCode.HostServerLib

•Stack Trace:
at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Object ] Parameters, BooleanB] NullList,

MarshalMessageType CallType)

at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPI.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Object ] Parameters, BooleanB] NullList,

MarshalMessageType CallType)

at SourceCode.SmartObjects.Client.SmartObjectClientServer.GetSmartObject(Guid guid)

at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormRuntime.SmartObjectExecution(XPathNavigator nav, Boolean outputDependencies


The error was surfaced because there were changes made to the SQL table and the smartobject did not know how to deal with these changes.



Please see this forum post for tips on how to refresh a SQL SmartObject.


Nice, broken link, always useful.
