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- Group provider is linked to a SharePoint site which no longer exists,
- The workflows using roles linked to group provider have been decommissioned and deleted from server.

- ? General ? error in log file : "SharePointProvider.GetGroupContainers","1 An unexpected failure was encountered when contacting SharePoint to get information from the group provider
- ? Core ? error in log file : "IdentityService.ProviderCacheIdentity:GroupProvider.GetGroup","64005 Failed to resolve 'SP:


Diagnosis: Group providers are referenced in K2 Workspace > Management > Management Console > ;Server:Port] > User Managers > SP > Group Providers.

Root cause:
- K2 group provider was not able to access to "" site to cache / refresh SharePoint group and group membership. This is a function of the K2 Identity Service and will re-attempt after certain intervals.
- see Context


if the site collection is no longer used and has been deleted then the group provider must be removed from K2 :
1. Make a database backup
2. This entry can be delete from the hHostserver].rGroupProvider] table
3. Restart of the K2 blackpearl service afterwards

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