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One particular role stays empty after automatic identity refresh cycle, and even after executing Force Identity Refresh tool against this role. At the same time when the following SQL script is being executed manually - role populates without any issues:

UPDATE K2HostServer]..Identity]..Identity]
SET ExpireOn] = GETDATE()
,,Resolved] = 0
,,ContainersResolved] = 0
,,ContainersExpireOn] = GETDATE()
,,MembersResolved] = 0
,,MembersExpireOn] = GETDATE()


The following errors can be found in logs:

"Error","IdentityService","64007","IdentityServiceError","IdentityService.RoleManager.ResolveRoleItem","64007 Invalid attempt to call HasRows when reader is closed.

Affected role based on SmO which exposes SharePoint list containing column with logins.


This is known issue with K2 4.6.9 logged as TFS 533427 "SmO GetList in roles does not resolve" (Bug). Fix for this issue is included in 4.6.10. The issue was introduced with the DAC changes which were made in the product to achieve minimal SQL connections opening and closing. Because of these changes there could be a cases when system returns an empty dataset.



Consider upgrading to K2 4.6.10 or newer or contact K2 support to obtain coldfix for 4.6.9

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