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The client lost the ability to right-click in Visual Studio.
Right-click will not display the context menu any longer.


This sometimes happens when something does not get registered properly in Visual Studio or a registry key does not have the value it should have.


There are a couple of things that we can try...

Reset the Visual Studio development environment.
- Run CMD as administrator.
- Navigate to: ":VSInstallDir]Common7IDE".
- Run "devenv.exe /resetuserdata" from command prompt. (Try again.)
- Run "devenv.exe /setup" from command prompt. (Try again.)

Repair via the MSI. (I have seen this mess up the short-cuts, so beware.)
- Copy the K2 blackpearl installation media to the machine.
- Navigate to: ":BPMedia]InstallationSetup".
- Right-click the "K2 for Visual Studio 20XX.msi".
- Select "Repair" from the context menu.

Repair via the blackpearl installation media.
- Copy the K2 blackpearl installation media to the machine.
- Navigate to: ":BPMedia]Installation".
- Run "setup.exe" and select the repair option on the maintenance panel.

Remove and reinstall via the blackpearl installation media. (Recommended.)
- Copy the K2 blackpearl installation media to the machine.
- Navigate to: ":BPMedia]Installation".
- Run "setup.exe", remove and re-install the client components.

NOTE: Please take smartforms client tools into consideration here as well.

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