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Hi Team

We do not use the site settings to configure allowed workflow designers, instead we lock down the available actions with AD groups.  However, on one site, we have a ribbon error which says:

"you have not been allowed as a workflow designer on this teamsite.  Contact your administrator for access"

Has anyone seen this before or know why it is happening?  I have site collection administration rights to the site so this cannot be the case, and I can create workflows no problems at all on all other site collections.

I googled the error and some people are discussing site permission inheritance as being a cause, but in this case that doesn't make any difference.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Cassy, I work in Babcock too and had the same issue. The feedback initially was that it was the way we manage our permissions but testing this by making sure relevant users were in the SP Designers group didn't help.

We then discovered that two of the default lists that are created when the Nintex workflow feature is enabled at Site Collection level were missing. We de-activated the feature then re-activated it and the issue was resolved and we can create and edit workflows.

Classic turn it off then on again!
