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I have set up a smart object that returns multiple values from a web service and I need to be able to get each return value assigned to a data field or list of some kind for use in creating a separate text strings. The number of values returned is not always the same. Using a smart object action I can get the values into a data field but it just appends each value into a single text string.

Using the smart object tester it returns the values as a list is there some way I can create a data field or some way of holding the list so that I can create the text strings separately.

I also have a related question of how to query multiple active directory users by status and start a separate workflow on each returned value. I cannot seem to figure out how to map multiple return values for several things.

The answer I give may not necessarily be applicable in your case, but I'll give you the approach I usually take when needing to do work x times, where x will only be available at run time. 

An Activity has an an option in the Destination Rule called Plan per slot (no destinations). What this option does is it executes a method that is expected to have a list as a return and will execute the activity for each row. You can typically alos access a field in each row (typically the Primary key or the text in your case), so you can expect to work with individual entries. Have a look at the following with regards to this (different approaches, but should give you options):
