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HI all,

How can i get a particular sql table columns onto k2object browser. what are the steps to be followed to achieve this.

Assuming you are using K2 blackpearl, you will need to create a Smart Object. First, you will need to look at the blackmarket and locate the Dynamic SQL service. This will allow you to create a smart object than can access SQL Databases and the included tables which will be available in the object browser. Please note that the tables will need to have a primary key to work with that service.

Hi Scott, Thanks for the reply, Yes im using k2blackpearl. I have downloaded Dynamic SQL service but how it allows us to create the smartobject. Can u plz explain me in detailed steps.

1) register the dll as a service object using the k2 broker management tool or through the workspace.

2) then create a service instance and give the credentials to access your database.

3) Create a smartobject project in the k2 designer.

4) create a method referencing this service instance via the k2 context browser.

5) deploy the smartobject.

6) make use of the smartobject in the webpart

HI Pirate, Thnx for the reply, it worked for me and i am able to get data from sql databse. I have another scenario like i have to retrieve the value depending on the value which im passing. How can i achieve this. Any suggestions.
create a stored procedure which takes a input paramater and returns your required result. Now create a smart object list method(u may use the same smartobject u built earlier or a new one) which takes in this value and returns your result.

i have done the same way u said and its giving the below error shown in image.

My SP is taking EmployeeID as input and returning all values in Employee table. I dint use 'SP_' for my storedprocedure. It affects anything if i use 'SP_' .

I have created a SO with list method pointing to my 'SPEmployeeDetailsExecuteNonquery' service object method and i used 'Create All' option and clicked Finish then deployed. Am i missing any options here.


Did u declare a property in the smartobject which would act as the input parameter. Did u use the input paramaters by running the method wizard in advanced mode. I have also run into similar issues while developing for the first time.
Irrespective of the input Parameter bring all the values, if the any input passed, based on that retreive that value which statify that condition

Yes its returning all the values from database but i need a record which is dependent on input parameter.

maxpirate, yes i have declared an input property by choosing advanced mode. But when i add Service object method (i.e ExecuteNonQuery),the input property name,output property name getting disappeared, Only return property name is appearing,then im choosing "Create All" option to map. When i finish and deploy,i used smartobject service tester tool to test.In that it is asking Input Property,after entering it, all the records existing in table are returned.

Here am i missing any option. If u want i will provide u all the screens.


sri i don understand what u mean by "output property name getting disappeared". Please be specific.

If u want records without passing an input param then u shud use the list method.

Plz check the attachments. Actually i want to give input parameter ex EmployeeID, depending on that it should return EmployeeDetails. I have checked and Executed StoredProcedure, and its returning the particular record. When i work through smartobject,its returning all the records not the record depending on Input Employee ID. Any ideas
Are u using the read method in the smartobject.
No , i have tried with both List Type and Execute Type(Default 1) from method detials wizard.

The query is resolved. actually it is the problem with the older version SourceCode.SmartObjects.Services.DynamicSQLSPService.dll . Because of this, when i add service object, it is showing only the return propert values not th input property values. Now i have updated it with version 1.06 can be downloaded from  Binaries V 1.06 . Register this dll in Broker Management Tool.
