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I need to report on the steps that a process instance has been through in a winforms application.

This report is to be generated for a process instance that a user has access to.
I've looked at the K2ROM and cannot see a starting point into any historical data available in the K2ROM.

I do have access to the knowledge base, and have looked for information on this.

The filter service looks promising, but unfortunately I cannot find informaton on how to report on this.

I would appreciate pointers on where to start with filter service for this (assuming this is the correct API )


Have a look at KB article 21 for information on how to use the filterservice. (

Hope this helps.





I see that this thread is really quite old. Perhaps that's why, when I click the link to the Kb article I get a 403 error. Any assistance with this would be gratefully received. I need to access the history of activities that have been completed for a given process instance.


