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Hi there,



I am trying to restict K2 Designer to certain users in an Active Directory group. I have tried following the following two ways :


1. and

2. also editing the web config as per  here by setting my web.config as 
<allow roles="DOMAINDomain Users"/>
<deny users="*" />


Both options fail when I hit the K2 Designer with a user in the group as an error from the K2 STS  is thrown  named  "Multiple authentication attempts detected " . the Exception detail is Detected an instance where Relying Trust is not configured properly, and requesting tokens repeatedly. Please ensure that the link to the K2 Server is added to the browser's trusted sites.  


I am using Crhome so there is no need to trust the site. 


Does anyone know restrict access to K2 Designer on Smartforms 1.0.6 ?



Poking about I seemed to find that this is a known issue and is set to be addressed in SF 1.0.8. The recommended workaround is to add users to IIS one by one. I know this is not ideal but currently this is the only way to accomplish the behavior as far as I can tell. 



Does anyone know if this problem has been addressed in SF 4.6.9?

Hi Clayton,


Not yet.  You still essentialy have to set each user manually in authorization rules in IIS.  This functionality IS coming however.




