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Restoring Archiving does not show true Task Actioner


I archive our K2 Server Log db on a bi-monthly basis to keep the server log db size down. We have recently had auditors onsite who have been auditing some of our processes and needed proof that certain tasks have been actioned by the appropriate person. When I restored the archives and looked at a Client Event in the View Flow the participants include the K2 Service Account (auk2a) and the user who the task was assigned to. It is actually the K2 Service Account that is shown as the user who completed the task when they did not. This shows for all tasks. Is there a reason for this? Is there any way for me to find out who actually actioned the task?

Data for this process that hasn't been previously archived does not have this issue - it shows the true actioner e.g. aujokanov

Note these are InfoPath client event tasks.



Provided Cold-Fix for initial issue and below script to manually pull info from the Archive DB without restoring

Please find a script that should list all the Activities for a specific Instance along with when they were started , actioned , which action taken and by whom

USE K2_ServerLog_Archive_May2014
SELECT _ProcInst.Folio AS Instance_Folio,_Act.Name AS Activity_Name, _ActInstSlot.StartDate , _ActInstSlot.FinishDate , _ActInstSlot.AssignedDate ,_ActInstSlot.oUser] AS Actioned_User , _ActInstSlot.FinalAction
FROM _ActInstSlot
INNER JOIN _ActInst ON _ActInstSlot.ActInstID = _ActInst.ID
INNER JOIN _Act ON _ActInst.ActID = _Act.ID
INNER JOIN _ProcInst ON _ActInstSlot.ProcInstID = _ProcInst.ID
WHERE _ProcInst.Folio IN ('Leaver Request - SCLVR54396 - David Hine') -- Supply the Folio you want to check up on . You can get this from the _ProcInst table
ORDER BY Instance_Folio , StartDate DESC

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