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Hi all,

I've deleted accidentally a destination queues with a lot of users. I've seen in the DB that the queue isn't yet delete so I want to restore it in K2Studio, is it possible ?

Thanks a lot

No out-of-the-box functionality. The only way I think you can achieve this would be to write a litte Windows app using the K2Studio object model. Open your solution and project through the object model and recreate the Destination Queue with the DestQueues collections' ADD method.

From Help File:
MyDestQueue = MyDestQueues.Add("MyNewDestqueue")
MyDestQueue = MyDestQueues.Item(icount)
MyDestQueue.Data = "DestQueue Data"
MyDestQueue.Name = "MyDestQueue"
MyDestQueue.PropertyTemplate.Name = "MyDestQueueName"

Use the 'Name' and 'Data' fields stored in the database.

Hope this helps,
