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What is the impact is for K2 workflows that are in process when we perform a full stop of K2 services and then bring them back online.




Usually a workflow will be in an 'Active' status in which case it is usually sitting on a Client Event/Task Action (waiting for user interactionsubmitting of forms). Restarting the K2 Blackpearl service while the workflow is in this state will usually not have any impacts or change the workflow in any ways. If an "approval" form is currently open and being processed (before submitting), this may lead to a loss in session and as such the user may need re-open and reprocess the task.

A workflow may be affected when the K2 blackpearl service restarts if it is currently in a "Running" state/executing some codes should this occur, and the process goes into an 'Error' state an Retry of this error or a GotoActivity may resolve the issue and put the workflow back into an working state.

However, if possible, restarting the K2 Blackpearl service during a scheduled downtime or after-hours is more preferred as they are less users actively interacting with the system and workflows.

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