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I want to get a tasks count based on below criteria

processfolder name="abc" and status!="Sleep"


I can filter the tasks based on only a processfolder name but want to add another condition for status


Below filterxml workd for processfolder<Criteria xmlns=""><Filter Comparison="Equal" Field="ProcessFolder" ValueType="String">process name</Filter>


Here is article how to do that but not able to figure it out how to add another condition.

Can Anyone help me with this..



Did you ever figure this out?  I am lookign to do the same and can get the individual filters working, but not how to "AND" them together.




Actually my issue was due to a variable too short to hold myfilterXml (Doh!).  The following filterXml worked for me:


<Criteria xmlns="">

  <Filter Field="ProcessFolio" Comparison="Equal" ValueType="String" Logical="And">431114</Filter>

  <Filter Field="ProcessName" Comparison="Equal" ValueType="String">QuotePricingApproval</Filter>


