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I am accessing K2 SmartObjects through REST and can not find any reference for how to build filters.  The reference shows only a simple filter i.e.


  • filterXml=<filterexp><equals><left><propertyexp name="ProcessFolder" sotype="Text"/></left><right><valueexp sotype="Text">Contract Request Workflow</valueexp></right></equals></filterexp>


Is there a reference somewhere with guidance on how to build more complex queries  through the filterXml parameter?


Hi Cheryl,


I understand you've found a solution for this already, but I wanted to make it available for the community just in case :)


To build up a filter, you can go into the Smartobject services tester tool and open up a Smartobject (right-click and choose "Execute"). It is best to do this on a smartobject that has a list method. After opening the smo, click on the filter "Set" button.

Once in here you can build up the filter based on the properties of the method (you’ll have to switch these out for the actual properties from the REST method, but you can do that by editing the XML).


For future seekers more documentation help may be found in the Developer Reference --> navigate to Developer Reference > Services Reference > K2 Services > REST Services > URIs for Services 

