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This question was raised by one of my business user and I do not know the answer to it. So reaching out for your assistance.

In case of NWC when the email is sent to external address, what happens if there is a bounce back? How do we know that the email that was added in the workflow initiation form did not reach to the recipient?


Any ideas?

There's currently no way to know. In your scenario - keen to understand what is the expectation of the workflow if the email bounces back. Would the workflow just resume and log the state of the email? or should the workflow error out?

@joshua_tan @kapilkjoshi On this topic, was a solution ever found?


If an email did bounce back I'd want to log it and trigger a notification to either the owner or maybe the workflow initiator then maybe build in a way for them to correct and resubmit. 


Building on this idea I'm also curious if we can log a delivered and/or read receipt to the email.


Thanks! Nikki


I was hoping there was a solution for this topic? My business user has a requirement to be notified if an email bounces due to incorrect email address provided.

