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See for screenshots of what I'm trying to do.

In words:

I’ve been looking at moving a document from a Working Document library to an approved Formal Release library (both MOSS2007) utilising the K2 Kblackpearl] brilliance :-)

This particular workflow is invoked by a SharePoint ‘add document to library’ event, and it is this document that I’m attempting to move!

The workflow step in question is relatively simple in the grand scheme of things, but as it’s the last step… it’s the most important. I’m also archiving the InfoPath form that is being utilised by this workflow, and that seems to work fine.

It builds, deploys and looks like it will work... until a user of the workflow hits the final step. Error shown below :-)


MetaData field not specified! - the wizard (SharePoint Document Wizard) doesn't suggest that I need to specify any.


I'm using the name of the document that initiated the workflow (SPEventsField/Items/Item) in the wizard, shown above.

Anything I should be aware of? How do I fix this issue.... :-)

many thanks in advance



Isn't there, by any chance, a content type associated to your destination library? A content type with a column marked as "required".
After the move document source screen is there another screen after that one called document metadata as shown in the attached.  When i run through the wizard and a destination library has a column that is required i get that screen so i can enter in the info...

Wow, Scratch that last piece, I was doing just an upload event.  When I do a move event i am not prompted for it.  Odd.  Can you check that destination library to see if there are required columns?


I have opened a ticket with our support desk to investigate the possibility that this is a bug...

Hi Chrisg,

many thanks for investigating this :-)

I have checked, and the document i'm moving does have all required columns.

Source Library

Title, Doc Author (mandatory), Doc Reviewer (mandatory), Doc Approver (mandatory), Change Control Board (mandatory), Document Publication Number (mandatory)

Destination Library

Title, Doc Author (mandatory), Doc Reviewer (mandatory), Doc Approver (mandatory), Change Control Board (mandatory), Document Publication Number (mandatory), Document Release Number, Document Release Date

If you think this may be a bug, should I submit a support ticket myself, or leave it up to you?

thanks again


Fixed this issue!

Well, I feel reasonably stupid now - it appears that because of the document library policys I have in place I had to add SharePoint document events to 'Check Out' of the source library, then move the document and then 'Check In' the document in the destination library.

Makes sense now, and if you use the K2 SharePoint document wizard you can add notes to your 'Check In' event that are visible to SharePoint users, you can also include any K2 variable data you want in this note to improve your audit trail.

thanks again to everyone - they may be a bug, but I seem to have overcome this one

