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Is it possible to write reports or queries against worklist items in Blackpearl (ex. Give me all worklist items for DENALLIX
on where Process in ('Gl Coding','Invoice Reconcilliation'))?

 I cannot find a way either through the report designer or through the provider (i.e. SELECT * from Process_Instance,Activity_Instance,Activity_Instance_Destination where ...). The Desintation column on the Activity_Instance_Destination table seems to be K2Server until the activity is completed or acted on which is not what I need (i.e. worklist or items user could be working on but isn't).

 I saw the GetWorklistItems call in the Mng and Workflow.Management apis but the filtering isn't flexible enough (i.e. I need to specifiy multiple process names, etc.). I was hoping there was a smartobject called User_Worklist (or whatever) that I could just write a query against like the other process and activity tables.


Jim Partin

Bluethread Technologies Inc.


Hi Jim,

Have you had a look at the WorklistCriteria objects in the SourceCode.Workflow.Client API?  This should get you started.  Due to the fact that some data is stored in binary format, you will not be able to use normal SQL queries.


