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I have a large inspection form where all the outcomes fields are the same. The only thing that changes is the question/criteria.



Is there some way to have the outcome fields in a repeating section with the criteria changing? My only thought was to have the criteria in a drop down list. However as there are so many and some of the questions are quite long, that isn't really practical. 

The best solution I've come up for this one so far, and I'm open to other suggestions (as I need this to work in the mobile app form):

Create a list of the Criteria which will contain the OrderNum and the Criteria

Within the repeating section:

Set Default rows to the number of Criteria

To bring in the Criteria:

Using a Calculated Value with formula - lookup("CritereaList","OrderNum",currentRowNumber(CommentsControl),"Criteria") 

Count any control within the repeating section.

I also removed the ability to delete a repeating section for this particular scenario. (This won't work in the mobile app)

.nf-repeater-deleterow-image {
visibility: hidden;

Looks great in desktop form:



Doesn't look so good in the mobile app form:

Just a bunch of Tap to edits and the repeating sections can be deleted.


Formula doesn't work:


This form will need to be used offline, so this scenario will not be useful to me.
