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In K2 Service Manager, I can see two copies of my project - one of these copies was set up with a different project name during installation.

The second copy is redundant - is there any way of deleting it to avoid confusion with the main project? I don't see any way to delete it in the Service Manager.

As far as I'm aware, there is no way of removing old processes from the system using the management tools.

It may be worth checking the release notes for SP2, to see if there is anything about this there, otherwise, it's probably worth checking with your local K2 office to see if there is any method of removing old processes.

Hi Paul,

Did you find a way to remove redundant processes as I have a similar problem?

Unfortunately not, Cammie - we've been working around the problem.

If anyone else comes up with a solution to this one, I would be interested though....
Unfortunately SP2a still has no way to remove a redundant Process. You can however dive into the database and look around at the table _ProcSet in the transaction database. I have deleted processes from my dev database with no ill effects so far. I would recommend a thorough test before attempting this with a production system!

This table has related entries in _Proc joined by ProcSetID. _Proc has releated entries in _ProcData joined by ProcID as well as _ProcImp, _ProcRef and _ProcInst which has related entries in _ProcInstDestQueue.

these are the table I found related entries to the records I deleted there may be more, you probably don't need to clean these up.
Definitely NOT a recommended solution - especially not on production databases. K2Workflow can not take responsibility for ANY problems occurring after manually altering databases. For security, auditability, reliability, and a host of other reasons - THIS IS NOT ALLOWED ON PRODUCTION DATABASES!!!

Please contact your local K2 support office for assistance in this matter.

Quite right Ockert, as I said as well I would not do this on a production database. I think people are after solutions to issues and I hope K2 is taking on board enhancements people are looking for in updates to this product.

Hi JB,

I can assure you that we take note of all feedback supplied by customers and partners, the success of the product is measured by having successful customers.

I have encountered this question a couple of time and as Ockert mentioned For security, auditability, reliability, and a host of other reasons . We have a set of Clean-Up procedures that's aimed at development environments; I will recommend you using this rather that doing it directly in the database.

Please contact your local representative for more information on the Clean-Up procedures (if they not 100% sure what you are referring to please ask them to contact me directly :))
Thanks RĂ©nier,

It is good to know there is going to be a supported method of doing this, although we have not got a situation where process need to be removed in a production system, it has been highlighted as a risk that we may need to and it is not currently supported.
I am looking for the ability to delete individual processes as well as deleting a processs set.

Was wondering if there has been any development in this area.


Please contact your local Support office and ask for the database cleanup scripts - Please note: This is NOT supported on production environments.

