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There are questions on how to remove the Sharepoint Integration on a workflow in Visual Studio.


Currently removing any of the workflow integrations (Sharepoint, Smartforms, InfoPath, etc.) is not possible. This is an existing feature request.

The main reason behind removing this integration is that the Sharepoint site that this workflow was integrated with has since been deleted. Since SharePoint site is no longer being used integration needs to be removed so workflow can be reused and modified.


A workflow that has been integrated with a sharepoint site will then require that integration to be present. Since we are no longer able to integrate this workflow with a sharepoint site this workflow can no longer be used. It will need to be associated to another sharepoint site in order to be successfully deployed and utilized. If we do not want any sharepoint being used in conjunction with this workflow the best option is to recreate the workflow and do not add in any sharepoint integration. That is the best workaround available at the moment.

Here is another workaround for dealing with integration not being able to be removed:

If integration was done later in the workflow development you can go back a few versions of the deployed workflow using the versions page available in K2 Workspace. If you can access a version of the workflow that does not have integration set/does not take you back too far in development then you can utilize that version of the workflow. However, usually the integration is one of the first added features of a workflow so this case is rare for most.

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