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Remove notification for approval


If user successfully do the task, example reply in email with "Approve", they will be get the notification email to inform that the task successfully, as below

"You successfully completed the Approval task with the 'Approve' action."

How to remove this feature?, we only need notification if the reply is incorrect.


Kindly follow the steps below to achieve this:
1. Make a backup of the K2HostServer.exe.config file (eInstall Drive]K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin) to a different directory
2. Open the config file on notepad
3. Look for this entry under
4. Under it, you will find:

5. Edit that line to:

6. Save the changes
7. Restart the service


The resolution was missing all the important screenshots and I found another post with the written instruction:

There is a way to disable these messages. It involves editing the K2HostServer.exe.config file.

In the K2HostServer.exe.config file, under <SmartActions><Messages>, you will see a list of SmartActions reply messages. Look for the following key:

<actionExecuted filename="TemplatesMessagesSmartActions.ActionExecuted" >

And change it to...

<actionExecuted filename="TemplatesMessagesSmartActions.ActionExecuted" enabled="false"/>

Restart your server and no more "ActionExecuted" email replies will come through.

