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I have inside to repeating section a lookup list ( SuppliersLine), initial as connect to list suppliers.

I won't delete the options from that lookup list and put some suppliers, for example only can have 3 suppliers, where exists in other repeating section (hideField ).


I try to do that from javascript but when submit the form gives an error.

 NWF$(".SuppliersLine").on('mousedown',function() {

      var container = NWF$(this).parents('.nf-repeater-row:first');

      container.find(".SuppliersLine option:not(:first)").remove();

      NWF$(".hideField .nf-repeater-row ").each(function(ie) {

      var y=NWF$(e).find(".supplier-list:first .nf-associated-control").val(); 


      NWF$(".SuppliersLine select" ).append("<option value=""" + y + """>" + y + "</option>");




Who can do this?

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