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I am getting the above exception after we upgraded to k2 4.5 (4.10060.1.0)

We have code that queries a WCF service to get the destination users to send the workflow to. We didn't have this issue when we upgraded our development server to the same release, but in production we are getting the exception.

I have attempted to redeploy the workflow, as well as attempted to upgrade the design templates and redeploy the workflow with no luck.

Here is the code where we are stting the destination for an activity:











wireService = wireServiceChannel.CreateChannel();



WireTransferOperationUsers] users = wireService.GetUsersForExecution(activityType, (long)wireID);



foreach (WireTransferOperationUser activityUser in users)
DestinationType destType = activityUser.Operation.IsGroup ? DestinationType.Group : DestinationType.User;


new Destination(destType, activityUser.UserName));



Logger.WriteLog(string.Format("Destination Set for {0}. WireID: {1}.", activityType.ToString(), wireID.ToString()),System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Verbose, stringTable, typeof(DestinationSelector));




if (destinations.Count == 0 && !allow0Destinations)




throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not find authorized destination for {0}. WireID: {1}.", activityType.ToString(), wireID.ToString()));


How is your destination rule setup in advanced mode? Is it plan just once, or plan per destination?

It is setup as 'Plan per slot (no destinations)'

The code included above is what is called from the DestinationRule_ExecuteCode method
