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When a user who gets a worklist item assigned via Group and opens the corresponding form and closes the form again then the Worklist item is assigned to this specific user. If the user releases the item, it doesn't get visible for the other participants within this group again and can't be seen there.

As within our company this is the most common way to assign tasks to groups this behaviour prevents us from working on production at the moment and is critical.

Within the Audit Report the Release of the item is shown (but no one else than the one who released it can see it afterwards).



There seem to be a few things in play here. According to this article:

Could you confirm if you have configured the advanced destinations the same as what Saya did in that article? In other words, "Plan Just Once" and "Create a slot for each role and group".

The difference with your scenario however, is that you have AD groups in play (instead of roles or users).

So if you are using groups, are you using the option "Create a slot for each role and group."? This option will not allow releasing of the worklist item via the Global Worklist as it is assigned to a single group/role. If this is the case, the item can be released from the user's own worklist who currently has it in an "Open" state.

You can also have a look at what the status is of the worklist item in the Global Worklist, an item with the "Available" or "Allocated" status is not releasable.

Please see the documentation below regarding the different scenarios that a client ask even can be configured:



Thanks for providing the Links - they pointed us to the right direction.
As the Group resolution was not working on our environment we had single users within the slot.
Settings we had:
Destination Rule Options: All at once
Number of Slots to be created: 1
Create a slot for each role and group

Settings we now applied:
Destination Rule Options: Plan just once
Number of Slots to be created: 1
Create a slot for each role and group

So at the end of the day it was one selection.

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