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We are receiving the attached error when we attempt to deploy a package that was created in our 4.6.9 development environment to our other development environment that is at 4.6.11. Is this possible to do, deploy an older environment to a newer environment? If so, please assist.

Error: Dependency could not be created: System.Exception: Dependency could not be created. Parent does not exist in this environment. Check data property of exception.
at SourceCode.Hosting.Services.DependencyService.VerifyObjects(List' parents)
at SourceCode.Hosting.Services.DependencyService.CreateDependancyBatch(Dictionary'2 depenancyBatch)


Verified the customer has full permissions on the database. Tried to Package and Deploy the project in smaller pieces to isolate where the component is that was causing the issue.


Customer was advised that yes, you can deploy to a newer version of K2 - just not the other way around. Customer advised that narrowing down the SMO's, using PandD in smaller chunks, he was able to find the single SMO that was failing, vVendorRFPs and when testing that smart object, it failed. Customer then compared the XML of the new and the old environment and found that there was a view missing from the new environment. Looked into the SQL database and found that there was indeed a view missing in the new environment that was not in the old. Created the view and once deployed the entirety of Release 1.2a It completed successfully.

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