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I am trying to remove a terminated user from all the AD permission groups using a workflow (Nintex Ent). I query LDAP first to get a list of groups, save it as a collection variable and then I want to use the For Each action with "Remove user from AD group". The problem is that the action is expecting the group name in a different format than query returns:


I assume I should use a Regular Expression to fix it but what should the syntax be?

Also, I would like to save the list of all groups to my list item, preferably after fixing it with regex. How do I do that?

Use regular expression action, operation 'Replace Text', replacement text '$2$1', pattern:

Thank you - seems to be working flawlessly!

Do you know how to collect all the groups after running regular expression and save it with the item?

Ok - I figured that one out! I just need to use a Build String action and append.
