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I read the posts talking about the refresh of the worklist but they did'nt solve my problem

How can I refresh the worklist via code when clicking on the submit button in a task.

The page is in the worklist

Thanks in advanced 

I need to refresh the page of the workspace


Updated version.    When your form runs is it running in internal mode?  Does the URL still says WORKLIST.ASPX? 

Private Sub RefreshIEWorklist()
        Dim IEs As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
        Dim MyIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer

            For Each MyIE In IEs
                If InStr(MyIE.LocationURL.ToUpper, "WORKLIST.ASPX") > 0 Then
                    Exit Sub
                ElseIf InStr(MyIE.LocationURL.ToUpper, "/WORKSPACE") > 0 Then   'If any IE links available
                    MyIE.Navigate2("http://" & WebServer & "/K2V3/Workspace/Worklist.aspx")
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            Next MyIE
End Sub

Thank you all for these quick replies but before I post this message I have tried all the posts concerning this problem and nothing work.

This method dosen't work :

Private Sub RefreshIEWorklist()
        Dim IEs As New
        Dim MyIE As

            For Each MyIE In
                If InStr(MyIE.LocationURL.ToUpper, "WORKLIST.ASPX") >
0 Then
                    Exit Sub
InStr(MyIE.LocationURL.ToUpper, "/WORKSPACE") > 0 Then   'If any IE links
MyIE.Navigate2("http://" & WebServer &
                End If
            Next MyIE
End Sub

Yes I need to force the Workspace to refresh after a worklist item has been completed?

I am sure there is someone that have an other method.

My client is insisting that he want to refresh he workspace

can someone help me please ?

Where are you putting this code?   Do you need a javascript or vbscript variant of the code?


It doesn't matter just I need to refresh the workspace.

  I tried some javascript code but they did not work

 need help


Try the following javascript snippet, should be added on the Worklist item page:

function refreshParent()
    if (top.opener != null)


This should work for both when the worklist item page is opened in the Worklist frame and a new window.

All these javascripts works on the default pages and frames

but when I try them on the workspace they don't work

And my client is insisting to refresh the workspace

any help will be appreciated

Thanks in advanced 

I've tried these in the default Worklist in Workspace and they work fine, opening the item in the task pane or in a new IE window.

thanks dc for your quick replies

I'm opening the item in the task pane.

We I try your solution, it gives me Permission denied

 Thanks for help

Go to IE, Tools, Internet Options, Security, set it to low for now and see if it gets rid of permission denied, then bring it up to Medium and try again.

 What's your default setting?

I have tried this step and nothing works

