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First question: is it possible to redirect worklistitems trough the workspace that are allocated to other users ? I know this is possbile trough the K2 Service manager and selecting worklist. But is this also possible trough the K2 workspace ?

Second question:
If I redirect a worklistitem trough the service manager from one user, to another user. Will this work if the "new" user is not on the original destination queue of the activity ?

If you are strictly talking about the workspace out of the box -- you can redirect items that are on your worklist - go to the worklist page of the workspace and right click on an item and choose redirect.

This means if the activity had several dest users and you were one of them - but another user accessed it first and it is now allocated to that user -- yes you can redirect it. Also if you are the mnaager of a user who has the worklist item - you can also redirect your "direct report"'s worklist items.

If you are talking about doing this programatically using the API's, the
k2Rom will only let you redirect - in the same circumstances that the workspace does- you would have to be a manager or a second destination user. If you use the K2MNG however, you will be able to redirect all items - just like you do in the k2 service manager.

Question 1: 

You can redirect your own worklist items in Workspace.  Additionally, if Active Directory is being used and Direct Reports/Manager relationships are stored in it and K2 is configured to use these, then a Manager has the ability to redirect his/her direct reports worklistitems.  Otherwise there is no such ability as this is not considered a management app (that is K2 Service Manager)

Question 2:

Yes, when using K2 Service Manager, you should be able to redirect to anyone, not just people in the original DQ.
