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I have a number of processes that use Destination Queues with each destination queue assigned an active directory group.

Within the K2ServiceManager I can see the groups that have access to the process.

What I want to do is display a form that shows all the users that have viewparticpate permissions of the process.

The only way I can see to do this is via K2MNG and not all of it can be done in K2MNG. I would like to perform the method K2Manager.GetProcessUserPermissions(K2ProcSet.ProcSetID) but as I am dealing with destination queues there are no user permissions as it shows groups only, so instead I perform K2Manager.GetProcessGroupPermissions(K2ProcSet.ProcSetID). This brings me back all the groups. From here the only way I can see how to get the users of groups is interogate active directory.

Is there a better way of doing this? I take it you can't do it via K2ROM? You can get managed user list but this won't surfice.

Is there a DB call to K2 Database (if supported) or K2log that couldbring back this info?
I think you'll have to use normal .Net DirectoryServices.

