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On my Smartforms i had approve,reject & redirect button, When Approver Receive worklist item he can approve/reject or redirect the worklist item assign to it.

I have create rules for Approve and reject button.Could you please let me know how i can achive redirect functionality using smartforms.

 So once user click on redirect button he will able to assign his task to other memeber.

I want this achive though smartforms.





I would suggest that you create a data field in your process which can accept a username to whom the activity should be redirected and then on your form ask the user to specify a value that will be passed to this data field.

In your workflow have the redirect line loop back to the activity so that it is reassigned when the redirect button is clicked.

Configure your destination rule for the activity with an extra destination set and configure it to assign it to the value of the person in the data field if the data field is not blank.


Using this configuration, when the redirect action is selected the activity will assign back to itself, but because the data field with the redirect username now contains a value, it will be assigned to this user.


Try this out and let us know if you don't come right.




Hi JohanL,


Thanks for your reply. i will try and get back to you.

I have one question related to Destination. Currently i have configure my destination rule as PLAN PER DESTINATION - ONE AT A TIME (SERIAL PLANNING).

So i had created roles in which all users are added.

So now how i can confgire destination for this Activity.





I would keep the destination set as you have it configured, but add another for the redirect user.

Configure the rules for your current destination set to be:

<Redirect User DataField> = EmptyString


For the redirect destination set configure it to be:

<Redirect User DataField> <> EmptyString.


Then just to make sure this rule will always work I would advise to reset the value of Redirect User DataField as one of the first events in that activity.

By doing so you will ensure that the value is reset as soon as the activity assigned the destinations.


I hope this makes sense.






You might want to check the K2 Actions Service Broker on the K2 Market. I haven't tried it, but it sounds like it does what you are after.



Hi JohanL,


I am facing issue to set the datafield on smartforms.Can you please let me know which rule i need to ally to set Data fileds value.

Currently i had created Redirect button once user click on it i create subform which populated with Picker control and allow user to select people.

but i am not sure how to set datafiled value once user click on that form.


attched is my workflow redirection logic.please let me know if i did anything wrong in it.I had configured destination set rule which check for empty value in Datafiled and take action.


Please suggest me how to set datafiled value though smartform and any changes needed in workflow logic.


Thanks in advance.


Hi Guys,


Any help on this issue??
