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I'm building an ASP.NET control that generates a tasklist. (like the BlackPearl workspace tasklist)

I can do this without any problems, but I have two questions about Redirect and Delegate.

For redirecting I can use WorklistItem.Redirect. My question is if there is any automatic check, that the task owner can not redirect this to another user who is not in the original destination role? (as defined in the workflow)

Delegate seems something new to me. Is this exposed trough the SourceCode.Workflow.Client namespace ?

Is delegation something to be used like out-of-the office ? e.g. I delegate my activity to somebody else. Will this person automatically be the executor of the activity action/outcome as long as he is delegated to this activity and action/outcome ?



From what I remember, the delegate function gives the ability to the actioner to allow other users to work on the work item.  Both the destination user and the delegate will be able to see the work item on their worklist.  This is something different from the out-of-office feature in 2003.  The out-of-office feature is targeted for later K2 blackpearl] Service Packs.

Both the destination user and the delegate will be able to see the work item on their worklist. 

Could the delegated user work on that work item too? ie., selecting a task on that item?

Yes, depending on which Actions have been assigned to the delegated user.

- Ockert

Resurrecting an old thread here, but I am creating a custom task list as well and I have been unable to locate the appropriate API for the delegate function.  Closest thing I found is the 'CreateActionInstanceRight', which seems to be capable of giving execute rights on an instance to another user but I'm not all that sure how to use it.  How to delegate a worklist item through code?
