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Receiving Post-Deployment error.

All items pass, but error at the end.


Using your DB and package I am able to get the same error.
Looking at the SmartObject Service Tester, I've expanded the methods for all deployed SmartObjects. I have found errors with the following SmartObjects:
- FX.LENDING.SMO.GenericFeeItem
- FX.LENDING.SMO.ReviewChecklistInHTMLFormat

The errors are due to not having the following K2 artifacts on the server:
- dbo-spFX_GetGenericFeeItems_ByFeeType
- dbo-spFX_ReviewCheclistInHTMLFormat
- dbo-FX_Lending_LookupYesNo



The items where connected to unused views that were deleted. Removing them from the package fixed the issue.

To remove items from a project:
Never delete anything move it to an archive folder.
For example, you have a 'Projects' folder as a top level in K2 designer.
Create another folder on that level called 'Archive' and create the same sub-folders as 'Projects'.
If you ever what to delete anything from a project, move it to it's corresponding folder in Archive.
Then run PandD while including dependencies.
If PandD is including anything from the Archive folder, then you know something is referencing the 'deleted' item and needs to be cleaned up.

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