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Receiving an error when opening the project "The Name property cannot be set to empty."


The error occurs when trying to open a project. The error is as followed "The Name property cannot be set to empty. I've tried to open this in both Visual Studio and K2 Studio and I receive the same error.



The best way to get around this issue is by downloading a previously deployed version from workspace and then trying to open up the downloaded version in K2 studio or Visual studio.

If the error also persists when opening the process or continues to persist in general, it would be advised to check the activity names as well. Navigate to the kprx file and right click to open it in notepad and search for the characters that come within the error. If any are found within the name tag, you can then delete this character and then further save this. After that you try to load the project in visual studio or k2 studio as well.


Just found out this happends when you have files starting with a dot (ie.: .gitignore) in the project file.



Remove any tag as bellow that has a filename starting with a dot (.).


<Content Include="your_file_path">

I'm a bit puzzled how can this have such a destructive 'Resolution' from K2.


Clearly discarding whatever changes you've done before noticing the error isn't the way to solved anything. Specially when, from my experience with this, you only notice the error after closing and opening again the editor (either VS or K2 Studio, the error is exactly the same).


Since this basically happens to me every now and then (every time I even think about changing the k2proj file), discarding my work basically nulls K2 all together; unfortunately, we've paid for it so, we're kinda stuck with it.


To make life with K2 less bad, I've decided to start compiling the cases I actually figured what the issue was.


Since this site maybe a bit biased reagarding these contents, I will be uploading regularly to a 3rd party.


Check the GitHubGist pedro2555/eb7d584c66872b6826c670111e7fe1ce


