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I have designed a process that at a certain point will esculate to another activity within the process. This goal activity is a basic "goto" point that needs to complete some processing and then return into the process. The problem is that this activity is not joined by a link to any other activities within the flow as it is an exceptional case. Unfortunately, during the compilation Studio indicates that this is not an acceptable process as one activity has no link flowing into it.

What options are available to me here? Trying a link with a rule that will never fire seems too ugly. A loopback also crossed my mind. Any ideas, anyone?

Hi Graham -

Since the Workflow concept is linear, in a single process every activity has to fall within the line.

The easiest way I've seen this done is to run a line from the activity to the activity being escalated to. Then, put in code that will cause the line rule to peremanently evaluate to False. This way, it won't be accessed in the normal process of the flow, but can still be connected to it.

