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We've recently moved a process into production and are experiencing seemingly random submit problems with infopath forms. Users who are able to submit Infopath forms at one moment can experience timeouts on the infopath submit a few minutes later. It seems to affect random computers/users, with no distinct pattern. These same users who get a timeout on the submit also can no longer access their K2 workspace (page timeouts). Rebooting their pc seems to fix the problem for a bit, but then it reoccurs. People who experience this problem get a "HTTP" or "unspecified SOAP error" logged in their event logs. These people still however can see all their tasks listed properly in the sharepoint task webpart, so it is not an authentication issue.

Server configuration is a dual windows NLB IIS/K2 server config with a seperate sharepoint server. I *suspect* it may have something to do with the NLB config, but then again it never seems to affect K2 administrators. One thing I notice in the setup documentation is that it specified that for an IIS NLB config, affinity should be set to single, while for the K2 NLB it should be set to "unique". What if K2 and IIS are on the same servers part of the same NLB group? Should it be single or unique? Currently we have the NLB config set to single affinity.

Single affinity should be fine.

Intermittent timeout/authentication errors are normally caused by insufficient permissions on the temporary files folder. Try to give 'Authenticated Users' - 'Modify' permissions on 'C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322Temporary ASP.NET Files' and 'C:WINDOWSTemp'.

Also, have a look in Workspace's web.config file and make sure that Workspace point to the NLB cluster name and not a specific Server name.

Any errors in your K2Error.txt file in Bin folder?

Have you got two NICs in each Server?

