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There are two Radio Buttons which have different values and have been grouped under one radio  button group. How do i check  which Radio button is Selected and pass the value of the selected radio button to my smartObject.


And Also in other form, while retreiving data next time, how do select the one of the radiobutton.






Do you mean two radio button groups? 


can you attach an image that show what exactly you have?

Hi Mohammed,


What you can do is create a rule with the event "When a control on a form/view raises an event". Then on "select control" choose one of your radio buttons, the "Changed" part should automatically fill in. Then add an action "Execute SmartObject method" and choose your SmartObject and "Save" method, when you configure it you should be able to expand your radio button in the context browser and drag the "Value" field into your SmartObject.


You can then just repeat this for your second radio button.



