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There were two issues with this ticket and both regarded the Expense Claim Tutorial found here:|Expense%20Claim%20Application|_____0

The first issue that was occurring in this ticket is that whenever the 'Save' button on the Expense Claim Line Item Edit List View was utilized, and the New Expense Claim Form was submitted, the Edit Expense Claim Form would not return any data to the Expense Claim Line Item view.

The second issue with this ticket was whenever the Edit Expense Claim Form was resubmitted, an error regarding a "Missing Serial Number" would appear, the form could not be submitted.


First Issue:

As per documentation, whenever configuring the New and Edit forms for the application, the documentation states that the generated Save button on the Expense Claim Line Items Edit List view should have its Visibility set to false. The reason for this is quite simple, in the tutorial a parameter is created to pass the Forms value to the Expense Claim Item View, if the Save button is used before submitting the Form the view will have a unique ID that cannot be searched for when initializing the Edit Expense Claim form.

Second Issue:

This issue stems from a field that is being validated against but has not been configured correctly or should have no validation applied.



First Issue:

To fix this issue follow these steps:

1. Access the New Expense Claim Line Item Edit List view.
2. In the Layout for the view, locate the Save button in the list of added controls.
3. Select the save button, locate the General section of the Properties of the control.
4. There are two check boxes available for the control in this section. Visible and Enabled, uncheck the Visible checkbox.
5. Save the view.
6. Check in the View.

After making these changes, when the New Expense Claim form is opened the option to save list items is disabled. This is expected as the Submit button on the form utilizes the save function of the Expense Claim Line Item Edit List view. This button passes the New forms parameter ID to the view in question. When new items are submitted the Edit Form correctly displays all values saved.

Second Issue:

The area of concern for this issue stems from the "when Button Resubmit Claim is Clicked" rule in the Edit Expense Claim form. The fix for this follows:

1. Access the Edit Expense Claim Form.
2. Access Rules, find the "when Button Resubmit Claim is Clicked" rule.
3. Next find "then on Edit Expense Claim View, execute the Update List Item method"
4. Click configure on this rule.
5. When accessing this rule look at the input mappings. Ensure that there are no Parameter fields set to validate. If there are boxes checked without any fields configured, check the documentation to make sure these fields are not required. If these items are unneeded make sure that these boxes remain unchecked.
6. Finish the input mappings for the rule.
7. Click OK on the Rule Designer screen.
8. Finish and check in the form.

After this form has been configured, testing should be done to make sure that the Resubmit Claim button works as expected.

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